Take advantage of the vast spectrum of feel-good treatments on offer in our massage practice and treat yourself to some pampering with a classic massage or one of our signature Alpenbad massages. Our massage therapists are happy to assist in deciding which massage is the right one for you.
Relaxing massages in the Alpenbad Leutasch
Classic Treatments
Foot reflexology therapy
Stimulates the metabolism, improves circulation in the organs and activates self-healing powers. Followed by a foot massage.
Manual lymphatic drainage
Releases tensions and toxins and stimulates metabolism. Promotes regeneration. Can be used for cosmetic and medical purposes.
Back treatment
Relieves tension, releases blockages. Purchase a block of 5 treatments for a special price of 132 Euros.
Full-body treatment
Classic full-body massage. Relaxes the muscles, improves circulation.
Course of 5 back massages
discounted price
Relieves tension, releases blockages. We recommend a block of 5
treatments for 132 Euros for a discounted price.
Alpenbad Special Treatments
Alpenbad Active Massage
by prior arrangement only
A circulation-boosting, full-body treatment with specially selected local oils. A soothing heat wrap for the back, warms the muscles. Following a period of quiet relaxation, you feel fit and full of vitality.
Alpenbad Relaxation Massage
by prior arrangement only
Specially selected local oils have a relaxing, rejuvenating effect. This full-body treatment eases tension in the muscles and joints. The combination of special heat wrap and massage results in a feeling of calmness and relaxation.
Alpenbad Stone Therapy
by prior arrangement only
Your body is treated with stones and oils from the Wetterstein and Karwendel mountain ranges. The combination of massage and warm stones has a relaxing and, at the same time, energising effect.
Alpenbad Neck & Shoulder Special
This massage eases tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulder area. The effect of the massage is enhanced by the use of St. John’s wort oil from the Tyrolean mountains.
Breuss Massage
This gentle spinal massage releases emotional and physical blockages. It stimulates the flow of energy resulting in a feeling of calmness and relaxation. St. John’s wort oil strengthens the intervertebral discs and has a soothing effect on the nerves.
Book your appointment
+43 (0) 5214 6380-15